Interview Questions

he most important step in the life of an individual is a job interview. It is your first step in landing your dream job and therefore you should equip yourself fully for the interview.

A job interview can consist of different rounds and therefore preparation is a must. You will do well to do a bit of search about the organization and arm yourself with the data.

The interview could be both subject oriented as well as a general HR one. It will be of a great help if you can prepare some questions that are likely to come up in the interview and practice them with a friend and this will give you enough confidence to face the interview and also come out on top.

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One of the slightly embarrassing and delicate questions in an interview is about pay and compensation. Most of the candidates are often stumped with the question and fumble for an answer. You must remember that a straight and prompt answer will send out a good impression and also show that you are confident abut your credentials and are seeking a remuneration in tune with your qualifications and abilities.

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Another important point to remember is that an interview is not just a one way process and the interviewer would also like to see how much you are actually interested in taking up the job. So you would do well to open up a bit and also be prepared to ask a few questions to clarify your doubts.

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The most important thing to remember is to keep your cool and poise and when a wholly unexpected question pops up, you can reflect on it and come up with an appropriate answer. Resume Objectives

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